Transparent, independent, and unbiased vocational incapacity and ill health assessments.
Transparent, independent, and unbiased vocational incapacity and ill health assessments.
What we do
Soma Initiative is a transparent, independent, and unbiased vocational incapacity and ill health assessor. We specialise in disability or incapacity evaluation relating to early ill health retiral, and incapacity management for both short- and long-term incapacity.
Our beliefs are underpinned by the terms of the South African Constitution, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, and the Labour Relations Act. We ensure that each stakeholder views the process of vocational incapacity management and disability assessment as equitable and free of vested interest.
The Employment Equity Act requires trustees and employers to effectively and fairly manage disabled employees, and make every attempt to redeploy and accommodate these individuals within their organisations. Employers must promote the employment of people with disabilities, remove all employment practices which discriminate in respect of disabled people, and identify and implement reasonable task and workplace adaptation to allow differently-abled persons to perform their work functions alone or with reasonable assistance.
Our Core Business
Disability consulting
Health Risk Management intervention must be effective and accepted. It should encompass the principles of consistency, objectivity, fairness, and equitability.
Employers and the associated role players need to understand the importance and relevance of the various Statutory Acts and Legal Framework and their respective roles in the incapacity and ill health retirement arena.
Absentee Management
Soma has developed a highly sophisticated, cost-effective Absentee Management Tool – Soma iKon™. This web-based software application functions parallel to any time and attendance and Human Resource Management Programme, and can be customised for client-specific data analytics and reporting.
At the core of Soma iKon™ is the generation of crucial management information out of raw data, which facilitates the effective management of inappropriate employee absence and sick leave.